Thursday was the Autumn equinox and despite a sunny Saturday, with the mornings feeling notably chillier the weather is showing little sign of lagging behind. Thursday was also the night of the Harvest Moon, the closest full moon to the equinox, making this year’s Harvest Moon an extra special ‘Super Harvest Moon’.
Traditionally the Harvest Moon is said to have had a special significance for farmers as it is a period when the time of complete darkness between sunset and moonrise is particularly short, helping farmers to work later to bring in their crop.
Attentions on the farm have begun to turn to the festival laden run up to Christmas. We’re busy making plans for events for Halloween, Guy Fawkes Night and of course Advent and Christmas. Keep an eye on the events section of the website over the coming weeks for further details.
Talking of Christmas, down in the woods our Heritage Norfolk Black and British White turkeys are being treated to some new shelters so they can hide away from all this drizzle we’ve been getting. Expect to hear from us soon about how you can order yours for the Christmas table.
Finally and excitingly, Church Farm’s very first stock of honey is now for sale in the farm shop. Euan Brierley, Church Farm’s beekeeper, set up the small apiary of two hives in the orchard two years back. He wanted to use the venture to raise awareness about the importance of bees in keeping our farms and gardens productive. Through beekeeping courses held at the Farm, Euan has been helping inexperienced beekeepers develop the skills needed to take up the hobby and to play their role in protecting our bees. So when you spread some honey onto your toast on a frosty January morning, not only will you get the sweet delights of last years summer sun, you’ll also be playing your part in helping to protect our much needed bees.